NYC, Day 1
This was only my second time in New York. The first was with my husband a few years earlier. New York captured my heart as a young girl, seeing it glamorously portrayed in movies and on television (and even no so glamorously), and while my first time there was pretty epic, this time around I was by myself with no agenda to follow but my own. This trip was a combination of work and play, with a few days off to enjoy the city and hang out with my brother-in-law for a bit. To say I was excited is an understatement—I was fucking stoked! Here’s a rundown of day 1.
There’s more to the story. Check out Day 2, or my 2015 April NY Flickr. I’m pretty pleased with the pictures this time around, but every photo opportunity makes you better and I know what I will do differently next time. Because yes, there will be a next time.